
Double eyes, straight, type A
Double eyes, twisted, type B
Double eyes, straight, to carry protective fittings, type C
Double eyes, twisted, to carry protective fittings, type D
Double eyes, straight, with twisted protective fitting attachment, type E
Reducing double eyes, straight
Reducing double eyes, twisted
Reducing double eyes, twisted, to carry protective fittings (type D)
Double eyes, straight, to carry protective fittings, for one-sided rigid connection to insulator
Double eyes, twisted, to carry protective fittings, for one-sided rigid connection to insulator
Ball eyes, for U-bolts, not to carry protective fittings, type A and B
Ball eyes, straight, to carry protective fittings, without bolt set, type E
Ball eyes, straight, to carry protective fittings, with bolt set, with anti-twist device, type E
Ball eyes, twisted, to carry protective fittings, without bolt set, type F
Ball eyes, twisted, to carry protective fittings, with bolt set, with anti-twist device, type F
Ball eyes, for connecting bolts type S and type N, not to carry protective fittings
Ball eyes with oval opening, not to carry protective fittings
Double balls, not to carry protective fittings
Double balls, to carry protective fittings, without bolt set
Double balls, to carry protective fittings, with bolt set, with anti-twist device
Socket eyes, straight, not to carry protective fittings
Socket eyes, straight, to carry protective fittings, type C
Socket eyes, twisted, to carry protective fittings, type D
Clevis eyes, twisted, with twisted protective fitting attachment
Clevis eyes, twisted, type B