Helical rods: Aluminium alloy
Additional information
They are supplied as bundles of individual rods and have a coloured marking to indicate the centre of the rods.
The rods are not sanded.
They have no vibration damping effect.
If there is damage to the outer layer of the cable rope up to 25% of the individual wires in the area of suspension clamps, this can be rectified by retrofitting armor rods.
SA armor rods can also protect against damage to the cable ropes caused by arcing foot points.
Helical rods: Copper alloy
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Use of armor rods SB reduces bending stress at clamping points (f.e. suspension clamps) at copper and bronze (copper alloy) conductors. Armor rods don’t have damping properties. Armor rods can be used as patch rods up to damages of 25% of the outer layer at suspension points. By this they protect the conductor against damages by arcing foot points, too.
They are supplied as bundles of individual rods and have a coloured marking to indicate the centre of the rods. The rods are not sanded.
Helical rods: Steel/ hot dip galvanized.
Additional information
Use of armor rods SG reduces bending stress at clamping points (f.e. suspension clamps) at steel conductors, hot dip galvanized. They have no damping properties. Armor rods can be used as patch rods up to damages of 25% of the outer layer at suspension points. By this they protect the conductor against damages by arcing foot points, too.Schwingungsschutz-Spiralen behoben werden.
Schwingungschutz-Spiralen können auch vor Beschädigungen der Leitungsseile durch
Lichtbogenfußpunkte schützen.
Helical rods: Aluminium alloy (subsets sanded up to dia. 24,97 mm)
Additional information
SVA armor rods connector are intended for use at suspension points if:
- for Al and Aldrey ropes, more than 25% of the outer layer of the rope and up to 100% of the
individual wires of the rope or
- in the case of Al/St ropes, up to 100% of the Al wires, with an undamaged steel core,
are damaged.
The SVA armor rods connector restore the original mechanical and electrical properties of the
the original mechanical and electrical properties of the cable. When delivered, they consist of several rod bundles up to a rod diameter of 6.35 mm glued together and sanded on the inner surface. The thicker helical rods ø7.87mm are supplied as unsanded individual rods. Rod bundles and individual rods have a coloured marking, which indicates the centre of the helical rod.
Attention! The direction of lay of the helical rods must match the direction of lay of the rope outer layer.
Helical rods: Aluminium alloy
Additional informationPatch rods are used in the free span to repair conductor damages up to 25% of the outer layer of AAC, AAAC, ACSR and AACSR conductors. They are capable to restore the original mechanical and electrical properties of the conductor. For damages of more then 25% of outer layer line splices type VA and up to total breakage of conductor line splices type VAG can be used. If steel core is undamaged outer splice (al. alloy) of VAG is sufficient, use of filler spirals may be necessary (B421/1). For damages at suspension clamps use of armor rods SA (B451/1) or of armor splices SVA (B454/2) is recommended.
Helical rods: steel, hot-dip galvanized
Additional information
The patch rods are suitable for restoring the mechanical and electrical properties of steel wire ropes in the free tension field in case of damage to the outer layer of the conductor rod up to 25% of the individual rods. If the cable damage exceeds this proportion, VG connector rods are required.
Damage in the area of suspension clamps, on the other hand, must be repaired with SG armor rods. The patch rods are supplied as bundles of rods glued together and have a coloured marking to indicate the centre of the rod. The bundles are not sanded. When ordering fittings for wire with a left-hand outer layer, a corresponding note is required.
Helical rods: copper alloy (subsets sanded up to dia. 26,21 mm)
Additional information
Patch rods are used in the free span to repair damages of the outer layer up to 25%. They are capable to restore the original electrical and mechanical properties of copper and bronze conductor. For damages of more than 25% of the outer layer line splices VK (see page B422/2) can be used. For damanges at suspensions clamps use of armor rods SB (page B453/1) is recommended.
When delivered, they consist of several bundles of glued-together helical rod elements up to a bar diameter of 6.55 mm. The thicker helical rods are supplied as unsanded individual rods. Rod bundles and individual rods have a coloured marking, which indicates the centre of the spiral.