Body-side plate, body-rail and wedges: Al-alloy, sliding surfaces of wedges coated with lubricant
Straps: steel / hot dip galvanized
Connecting bolt: type S, steel grade 8.8 / hot dip galvanized, Copper split pin
1. To ensure the support of the tensioned conductor during usual operational conditions.
By applying suitable design specifications, appropriate dimensions and suitable materials for the individual parts of the tensioning clamps, the cable ropes are held with at least 2.5 times the maximum tensile stress or with at least 85% of the nominal force of the cable rope. The lower value applies.
2. Absorption of rope vibrations excited by air currents in the tensioning field.
By using suitable tensioning clamp designs with a
- low mass moment of inertia of the vibrating clamp parts,
- low friction in the pivot points,
- double forks for attachment to the insulator chain or to the ground cable guy point,
- gradual increase of the transverse pressure, starting from the rope inlet of the guy clamp
the conditions are created to ensure that the fatigue strength of the single wires in the area of the guy clamp is not exceeded and to prevent single wire breaks in the rope in the clamping area and next to the guy clamp. The additional installation of vibration dampers next to the anchor clamps significantly reduces the stresses on the anchor clamps caused by rope vibrations.
1. safe transmission of the operating and short-circuit current into the current loop.
The safe transmission of the current into the current loop is ensured by the uncut passage of the conductor through the wedge type clamps or the suitable dimensioning of the clamping points for the current loop connection to compression type clamps where the conductor has to be cut.
2. safe transmission of short-circuit currents from the conductor into the tension arrangements (insulator chain, earth wire tension point).
Sufficient dimension of the tension clamps and low contact resistances between the conductor and the cable support in the tension clamp ensure the transfer of the earth short circuit currents of the rigidly grounded systems into the tension arrangements.
3. avoidance of partial discharges
By appropriate shaping and suitable inclusion of the tension clamps into the tension system of bundled conductor guy wires, the corona extinction voltage at the tension clamps is above the required levels.
"Dead-End Eye: Corrosion Resistance Steel component of the Dead-End assembly that screws into the collet housing.
Collet: Corrosion Resistance Steel collet that holds onto the exposed composite core of the ACCC conductor.
Collet Housing: Houses the collet and couples the steel eye to the core.
Inner Sleeve: Provides spacing between the conductor and the dead-end body to allow for compression.
Dead-End Body: Aluminum component of the Dead-End assembly that is compressed around the OD of the conductor.
Aluminum Jumper: Aluminum body that is compressed around the OD of the conductor and bolts to the Dead-End assembly.
ACCC® is a registered trademark of CTC Global, Inc."
Maximum Tensile Strength: 95% or more of the conductor Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) in accordance with IEC 61284 requirements for dead-end tensile strength.
Compression of products can be completed with industry standard presses and specialty dies. Please contact RIBE for information on purchasing compression dies for ACCC applications.
Design allows for continuous conductor operating temperature up to 180° C and 200° C emergency temperature at 168 hour.
AdvantagesRIBE Compression Dead-ends for ACCC condcutor are use to improve power grid efficiency, capacity, reliability, and resilience which enables twice the capacity and greater efficiency than traditional overhead conductors. These dramatically enhance the movement of bulk power with much lower carbon emissions and lifecycle costs.
Helical rods: Aluminium alloy
Clamp body: Aluminium alloy
Straps: Steel, hot dip galvanized
Bolt: Steel, hot dip galvanized or stainless steel alternative A2-80
Insert: Neoprene
frame: aluminium
hinge arms: aluminium
rods: aluminium-coated steel
damping elements: EPDM
screws, nuts, sliders: stainless steel
These spacer dampers are used for spacing the partial conductors of a bundle in the span or in the current loop in the intended arrangement and at the specified spacing when external (wind, ice load, cable vibrations) and internal (short-circuit current) forces act on the conductor wire.
RIBE provides installation recommendations for the FAH based on recognised CIGRE recommendations.
The installation recommendations depend on the wind conditions applicable to the respective conductor.
Please contact us for more information.
We recommend that you always use this spacer dampers in conjunction with dynamic dampers for the respective phase conductors.
This combination (FAH + damper) best covers the low-frequency conductor vibrations in particular.
a) Spacing of the partial conductors of a bundle in normal operation.
b) Absorption of cable vibrations excited by air flow
c) Absorption of mechanical forces in case of a short circuit
Avoidance of potential differences and partial discharges
Advantages over previous designs:
- single piece frame
- fewer individual parts
- Damping angle 45 degrees
- EPDM damping element
- Compression of the damping element
- Potential equalisation via damping element
- Limitation via stop at strongest frame point
- Can be combined with additional weight
- Faster in-house assembly due to partial automation
- 1 joint arm for all positions
- Construction as a modular system - parts compatible with each other
frame, hinge: aluminium alloy
damping elements: silicone rubber
rods: ACS (Alumoweld)
The spacer dampers are used for 3-conductor bundle in the free span of overhead power lines up to 380 kV in order to maintain the mutual spacing of the partial conductors of the line bundle under the effect of wind, ice load, cable jamming and short-circuit forces.
The spacers consist of a central part to which the articulated arms are attached by means of elastic elements made of silicone rubber.
These elastic elements enable the articulated arms to follow the movements of the partial conductors, e.g. in the case of short-wave conductor vibrations.
In doing so, they cause path-dependent restoring forces so that the partial conductors maintain the intended distance.
It is not permitted to use the spacers as earthing anchors during maintenance work.
RIBE provides installation recommendations for the FAH based on recognised CIGRE recommendations.
The installation recommendations are made depending on the wind conditions applicable to the line.
Please contact us for more information.
If the conductor are damaged, they can be repaired using a repair rods or connector rods.
If the repaired area is in the area of the installation location of the spacer damper, the following must be observed:
- Do not place the spacer on the repair or connector helical.
- The installation point of the spacer shifts in the direction of the shorter partial field.
- The distance between the ends of the repair or connector helical and the fastening helical of the spacer should be 20 cm.
1. safe spacing of the partial conductors of the bundle conductor under normal operating conditions.
The partial conductors of the bundle must be safely spaced by the spacers under normal operating conditions (wind, ice load) in the intended arrangement (2-rope, 3-rope or 4-rope bundle) distance without the partial conductors colliding or the bundle becoming twisted or entangled of the bundle occurs.
The number and the installation distances of the spacers have a particular influence on the fulfilment of this task. For this reason the installation conditions specified by us on the individual catalogue sheets must therefore be observed.
2. absorption of rope vibrations caused by air currents in the span field
By means of suitable designs of the spacers, vortex-excited rope vibrations of the conductor in the tensioning field are absorbed and transmitted by the spacers without causing damage to the conductor. Self-damping spacers dampen the resulting cable vibrations by consuming energy in the elastic elements (= damping elements) of the bearing of the clamp arms.
1. Safe spacing of the partial conductors of the bundle conductor under normal operating conditions.
The partial conductors of the bundle must be safely spaced by the spacers under normal operating conditions (wind, ice load) in the intended arrangement (2-rope, 3-rope or 4-rope bundle) distance without the partial conductors colliding or the bundle becoming twisted or entangled of the bundle occurs. The number and the installation distances of the bay spacers have a particular influence on the fulfilment of this task. For this reason, the installation conditions specified by us on the individual catalogue sheets, absorption of cable vibrations excited by air currents in the tensioning field.
By suitable design of the spacers, vortex-excited rope vibrations of the conductor ropes in the tensioning field are absorbed and transmitted by the spacers without causing damage to the conductor. Self-damping spacers dampen the resulting cable vibrations by consuming energy in the elastic elements (= damping elements) of the bearing of the clamp arms.
Remark: Due to the partly insulating articulated or elastic links between the clamping jaws and the frame or web of the jaws and the frame or web of the bay spacer, no cross currents can flow across the bay via the spacer except for the charging currents. It is therefore also not permitted to use the spacers as an earthing anchor point during maintenance work.
2 Avoiding partial discharges by appropriately shaping the clamping elements of the spacers, the spacers are designed in such a way that the tuft discharge voltage at the spacers is higher than the required values.
2. Safe absorption of the transverse forces acting on the conductor bundle during short-circuit currents.
With the high short-circuit currents in rigidly earthed networks, the partial conductors collide between the spacers but are spaced apart at the spacer. As a result the conductor in the vicinity of the spacers are strongly bent. After switching off the short-circuit the partial conductors move freely away from the bundle axis to the outside but thereby distanced from the spacers and again strongly bent in their vicinity. These stresses (transverse forces) must be absorbed by the spacers without causing permanent deformation of the spacer and without damaging the cables.
Advantages over previous types of construction:
- single piece frame
- less individual parts
- Damping angle 45 degrees
- EPDM damping element
- Compression of the damping element
- Potential equalisation via damping element
- Limitation via stop at strongest frame point
- Can be combined with additional weight
- Faster in-house assembly due to partial automation
- 1 joint arm for all positions
- Modular construction - parts compatible with each other
frame, hinge: aluminium alloy
damping elements: silicone rubber
rods: ACS (Alumoweld)
These spacers dampers are used at bundled conductors in overhead lines up to 380 kV in free spans and loops to maintain the subconductor spacing under the influence of
wind, ice loadings, galloping and short circuiting forces. The spacer dampers have a frame to which the articulated arms are attached via elastic silicone rubber elements.
These elastic elements allow the articulated arms to follow the movements of the conductors, e.g. in the case of short-wave conductor oscillations causing displacement-dependent reset forces and maintain the distance of the the conductors.
It is not permitted to use the frame as an earthing anchor point during maintenance work.
Repair of damaged conductors is possible with repair helicals or connector helicals.
If the repaired area is in the vicinity of the installation location of the spacer,please maintain the following:
- Do not place the spacer on the repair or connector helical.
- The installation location of the spacer shifts towards the shorter subspan.
- The distance between the ends of the repair or connector helical and the fastening helical of the spacer should be 20 cm.
RIBE provides installation recommendations for the spacers based on CIGRE recommendations. The installation recommendations depend on the wind conditions applicable to the respective line. Please contact us for further information.
1. safe spacing of the individual conductors of the conductor bundle under normal operating conditions.
During normal operating conditions which include wind and ice loads the subconductors of the bundle are kept in the intended arrangement (double, tripple or quad bundle), without the partial conductors colliding or the bundle becoming twisted or entangled.
The number and distance of the spacers wíll directly affect the performance.
The installation conditions specified by us on the individual catalog sheets need to be followed strictly.
2. Damping of aeolian conductor vibrations within the spans.
Aeolian conductor vibrations within the spans are absorbed by the field spacers avoiding damage of the conductor itself.
Spacer dampers reduce the resulting conductor vibrations by energy absorption within the elastic elements (= damping elements) of the clamp arm bearings.
1. safe absorption of the transverse forces acting on the conductor bundle during short-circuit currents.
During high short-circuit currents in rigidly grounded networks, the partial conductors smash against each other between the spacers, but stay distanced at the spacers, resulting in heavy bending stresses within the conductors. After switching off the short-circuit
the partial conductors bounce back, but are fixed via the spacers again resulting in heavy bending stresses within the conductors.
These stresses (lateral forces) must be absorbed by the spacers without permanent deformation of the spacers and without damaging the conductors.
Due to the partly insulating articulated or elastic members between the
clamps and the frame or bar of the field spacers, no cross currents can flow via the field spacers.
Thus it won't be allowed to use spacers as a fixed grounding point during maintenance work.
2. avoidance of corona discharge.
Via appropriate design of the clamping elements of the spacers, the corona extinction voltage at spacers is higher than the required levels.
Advantages of an amour-grip:
- quick assembly and disassembly
- No wrench required to apply the torque
- Visual check of correct installation
- No damage to the conductor due to incorrect installation
Advantages over previous designs:
- one-piece frame
- fewer individual parts
- 45° damping angle
- EPDM damping element
- Compression of the damping element
- Potential equalization via damping element
- Limitation via stop at strongest frame point
- Can be combined with additional weight
- Faster in-house assembly due to partial automation
- 1 joint arm for all positions
- Modular design - parts are compatible with each other
Mid-span Body: Aluminum component of the mid-span assembly that is compressed around the OD of the conductor.
Inner Sleeve: Provides spacing between the conductor and the splice body to allow for compression.
Collet: Corrosion Resistance Steel collet that holds onto the exposed composite core of the ACCC conductor.
Collet Housing: Houses core collet, screws into coupling assembly to distribute tensile load.
Coupler and Collet Retainer: Corrosion Resistance Steel coupling assembly joins collet housings and holds conductor tensile load.
ACCC® is a registered trademark of CTC Global, Inc.
RIBE Compression Mid-span Joint for ACCC condcutor are use to improve power grid efficiency, capacity, reliability, and resilience which enables twice the capacity and greater efficiency than traditional overhead conductors. These dramatically enhance the movement of bulk power with much lower carbon emissions and lifecycle costs.
Mechanical tasks
Maximum Tensile Strength: 95% or more of the conductor ultimate tensile strength (UTS) in accordance with IEC 61284 requirements for splice tensile strength.
Compression of products can be completed with industry standard presses and specialty dies. Please contact RIBE for information on purchasing compression dies for ACCC applications.
Design allows for continuous conductor continuos operating temperature up to 180° C and 200° C emergency temperature at 168 hour.
AdvantagesThis repair can be used to improve the conductivity of the conductor due to individual wire damage which not more than 1/3 stand of the outer layer
Main body design of 2 pieces of interlocking extrusions that provide a permanent grip on the conductor when compressed.
Mechanical tasksIt restores the conductor to 95% of its ASTM-rated strength where up to one-third of the strands are damaged in the outer layer ONLY
Electrical tasksDesign allows for continuous conductor operating temperature up to 180° C and 200° C emergency temperature at 1000 hour.
AdvantagesThis repair can be used to improve the conductivity of the conductor due to individual wire damage which not more than 1/3 stand of the outer layer.