Dimensioning and testing of fittings for high temperature conductors

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The selection of fittings for high-temperature conductors is still a challenge. After years of research and development, we are able to recommend to our customers which hardware solutions are best suited to meet the increased requirements.

With increasing conductor ampacity and operation at higher currents, not only conductor temperature increases, but also temperature of the fittings. Aluminium alloys used for connectors, suspension and tension clamps lose strength, if critical temperatures are exceeded. RIBE Engineering has validated proprietary simulation tools to predict temperatures of fittings and accordingly advise users on the selection of fittings. Testing in the RIBE laboratory provides final verification that fittings meet requirements for long-term reliable operation.
The durability of electrical connections (e.g. jumper connections and mid span joints) is at least as important. Thermally activated contact aging and thermally induced micro movements place particular stress on electrical contacts. Rely on the application knowledge and experience of the RIBE engineering team to find the best fitting solutions for your high temperature application.
Team up with the RIBE Engineering experts to plan and implement your high temperature application.